Tesla Powerwall Integration
So you have a Tesla Powerwall and you know that it stores electricity. But, you have no idea how to integrate with everything else in your home to your advantage?
So you have a Tesla Powerwall and you know that it stores electricity. But, you have no idea how to integrate with everything else in your home to your advantage?
Monitor it with ISY994 + PurpleAir
“The sky of the color of ashes in the east and embers in the west.” ~ Stephen King
For Californians, wildfires are becoming more frequent and the smoke and particulate matter generated by them are a serious health hazard. Wouldn’t it be nice to know if it is safe to be outside or even just open a window?
Now you can!
Combine your ISY994 with a PurpleAir air quality monitor and you’ll have instant data to make those types of decisions.
iAquaLink and Ring
Thanks to our very active, enthusiastic, and ingenious developer community, and as we are reaching 75 awesome and full featured Polys (Node Servers), we are going to start sending Poly news on a regular basis. And, of course, we also hope that these communiques can save you from boredom (in case you are home). In this edition: iAquaLink and Ring.
“Climate is what we expect, weather is what we get.” ~ Mark Twain
It’s all about the weather, whether it’s on the evening news or it’s the first app you open in the morning to plan your day, your week or your vacation. But wouldn’t it be great for your home or business to do the same? To prepare itself for changing weather conditions and automatically adjust things for your comfort, energy/water savings, and even parties?
Well, now it can!
ISY994 + ring, who? ISY994 + ring = Awesome! You\’ve been using ring for a while, and although it makes remote doorbelling rather easy, but you have been having a nagging feeling that something was missing. Well, of course! It was missing ISY994 till just a few moments ago. And, now, you can use your ring\’s […]
Bring the popcorn ! And enjoy an in depth video tutorial explaining how to integrate ISY/ELK and the limitless possibilities it offers. Ready, set, and go ….
The way we are going, pretty soon ISY will be driving your car and you can sit back and relax! Till then, bask in the awesome integration of ISY and Tesla and enjoy unprecedent automation and control!
Polyglot Cloud (PGC) is brilliant!! You can now natively integrate Nest, Ecobee, and SolarEdge into your ISY. Check it out here.