To Be or Not to Be?
That is not the question, because eisy can be itself as well as Home Assistant at the same time! Yeap, right out of Sci-Fi movies and through a quantum-entangled wormhole.
You don’t believe it? Well, here are the instructions. The only limitation is that, for now, above and beyond networking, HA does not have access to other hardware resources on eisy.
Upgrade Discount
Yes, you get 12% discount by using coupon code 6QQGT9A9 (expires 1/31/2024).
If you’re upgrading from a Polisy, you will also get an additional $30 refunded back to your CC. Once you place the order, please send an email to sales with the copy of your invoice/order for Polisy.
What do I need?
- 1 x eisy
- 1 x Serial PLM Kit if and only if you are using a 2413S PLM. You don’t need this if you are using a 2413U
- For Z-Wave
- If your Polisy already has the ZMatter dongle, then all you need is the ZMatter USB Enclosure
- Otherwise, and only if you have Z-Wave devices that you want to migrate: 1 x ZMatter USB
How easy is it to upgrade?
If you have a Polisy or 994 with firmware versions 4.x or 5.x and don’t have any Z-Wave devices, it’s as easy as:
- Backing up your 994.
- Disconnecting the PLM from your 994 and connect it to a USB port on eisy using the Serial PLM Kit.
- With one click, migrate your ISY Portal License as well as Alexa and Google Home configurations to your new eisy.
If you do have Z-Wave devices, and don’t already have a ZMatter dongle, due to the nature of Z-Wave routing algorithms, migration might not be as seamless.
Here’s the link to the complete migration instructions.
January 15, 2024 @ 3:34 pm
That’s great news!
What does this mean: “The only limitation is that, for now, above and beyond networking, HA does not have access to other hardware resources on eisy.”
I’d need access to a USB port to connect a Z-Wave and/or ZigBee dongle…
I assume that the ZMatters dongle could not be shared between PG3 and HA…
January 15, 2024 @ 3:40 pm
JR, precisely that. eisy will own the ports for eisy things such as ZMatter USB and PLM. So, for now, HA won’t have access to those.
With kind regards,
January 15, 2024 @ 6:28 pm
Thanks Michel,
It might still work for me.
January 16, 2024 @ 7:04 am
I bought my Polisy Pro on 6/28/2021. Do I get the 12% discount plus $60 dollars off as stated on the EISY product page? Also, my only invoice is an email copy of my Polisy order confirmation. I don’t believe UDI ever sent me an invoice.
Thanks, -phil
January 16, 2024 @ 7:38 am
Hi Phil,
No, you get 12% off + $30 off.
With kind regards,