SCE Flexible Pricing Rate Pilot
Southern California Edison is currently piloting a special flexible pricing program. The pilot will utilize hourly energy prices that will test the capability of customers’ smart devices to automatically shift electricity usage to times of day when energy is less expensive and can be generated with lower emissions. Shifting energy usage to optimal times has the potential to improve the reliability of the electric system while providing savings for customers.
The pilot program is under consideration by the state of California as a potential tool to help accelerate the transition to clean (carbon-free) energy, improve the reliability of the power grid, and reduce the cost of providing electricity.
The pilot program is being facilitated by third-party Automation Service Providers (ASPs) partnering with SCE, in conjunction with a vendor named TeMix Inc., to help customers and their smart devices optimize energy consumption.
As an ASP, Universal Devices has partnered with Southern California Edison to facilitate this pilot for residential and small/medium commercial venues. If eligible, by participating in this pilot you may be able to receive smart home devices, professional installation services, technical support and monetary compensation.
How will I be compensated under this pilot?
You will continue to receive electric service from SCE on your current rate, and you are expected to pay your regular bill as normal. At the same time, you will receive updates from your ASP on any calculated savings you may have achieved by your devices as a result of the flexible pricing rate in the pilot.
At the end of 12 months of participation, the monthly regular bills you paid will be compared against the bills based on the SCE flexible pricing rate under the pilot. If you saved money on the SCE flexible pricing rate, your ASP will provide you with an incentive payment for the difference. If you did not save money on the SCE flexible pricing rate, you will incur no cost. Customers who are on Net Energy Metering plans will receive their compensation (if any) at the end of their relevant period, even if it comes before the 12 months.
Customers are free to leave the pilot at any time. If you realized any savings based on flexible pricing, you will be compensated within 12 weeks of your departure from the pilot.
For more detailed information about this pilot, please review SCE’s fact sheet.
What next?
To check your eligibility or get more information, please fill out this form: